As I sit here with my kids, I can’t help but feel incredibly grateful to be a mom! Sure, there are days when we long for our "old lives." Remember when we could shower in peace without rushing or hearing phantom cries? Or when we could drive without constantly checking the backseat? Or even chauffeuring our kids to this sport and that event? And let's not forget the days when we didn't have to plan way ahead and lug around snacks and spare outfits everywhere we went! And that's just the physical battles, much less the mental ones like did my child eating I giving my child the best chance at a healthy life...did I make the right choice of schooling...are they making friends...all of a sudden, now I'm not mommy, I'm mom or dude, when did that happen?...I need to remember to take more pictures of them, they are only little for so long! (Then the pictures turn out like the one above and you shake your head, but smile knowing those ARE your kids with their silly personalities and that picture then becomes one of your favorites).🥹
But you know what? None of that even compares to the joy of raising children! 🥰 The smiles, the laughter, the full hearts, the sweet moments....there truly are no words to describe, and certainly no trade offs exist for those feelings! 💕
I never fully grasped the sacrifices moms make every single day until I became one myself. It's something you think you know from years of babysitting, but you really don't until you're just fully IN it! The sleepless nights, endless piles of laundry, the constant cleaning, the mealtime stress... And isn't it wild how we somehow just KNOW when something isn't right and exactly what our little ones need, all the time?! It really gives me a whole new appreciation for my own mom, as well as other mamas in prime motherhood with me.
So, to all the moms out there... THANK YOU. Thank you for being the most selfless beings on planet Earth. Thank you for never complaining and loving soooo incredibly big! To all the moms who give endlessly, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You really are the real MVPs!
As Mother’s Day approaches, our thoughts turn to all the incredible women out there. To those who are already moms to amazing kiddos, those longing for a baby, those with sweet heavenly angels, those who have adopted, and those who are birth mommies. To those who have lost their mothers, those with prodigal children, those filling the motherly role, and those who have been motherless. You all make a beautiful impact.
And moms, as always, you are the epitome of selflessness. You're probably the last one to take care of yourself or to sign up for a scan at Tiffin Family Chiropractic. But momma, remember, your nervous system runs the show. You are the core. A well-regulated nervous system starts with you!
Inside the body, there are these amazing things called mirror neurons. They're like little mimics, reflecting what they sense. So whatever state you're in, chances are your sweet little ones are picking up on those vibes too. Feeling stressed and anxious? They're probably mirroring those feelings. So how can we help?
Make a promise to yourself this Mother's Day and take care of YOU! The days of "no time for myself" are out, and self care days are in! It's absolutely okay to take time for you. In fact, it's essential. We need to stop looking at self care as being selfish, it's not at all that. It's allowing you to restore and fill your own cup so that you can continue to be the best rockstar mom that you are!
So, whether that looks like taking 20 minutes to read your favorite book, sitting outside soaking up the sun, going to the gym, treating yourself to a delicious smoothie or coming to Tiffin Family Chiropractic to start a care plan for yourself, we are 10000% behind you, mama! You deserve it, and you are SO worth it. So take care of YOU so you can keep taking care of your littles!
And mama? Give yourself that permission to sit down with your kids and enjoy some cuddles, laughter and making beautiful deep connections! You do have the time. Always remember the power of connection. Your presence and love are the greatest gifts you can give your childern. These moments not only strengthen your bond, but also help to regulate both you and your child's nervous systems.
So, here's to you mama- the heart and soul of your family! May you feel appreciated and celebrated not just on Mother's Day, but everyday! Because you truly are a superhero in our eyes!
Happy Mother's Day, beautiful! 🫶