Tiffin Family Chiropractic was formed for a single purpose: For those who...
For those who have just started life. For those who run, jump, and play. For those who are learning who they were created to be. For those who have given life to others. For those who are the rock of their family.
WE are here for YOU. When you come into the office,
you & your family will be treated like our family.

Dr. Adam attended Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Missouri, where he graduated with his Doctorate of Chiropractic. While there, he further cultivated his passion for helping kids and families with the help of mentors, colleagues, and attending International Chiropractic Pediatric Association seminars. ​ As a current member of the chiropractic collective Pediatric Experience, Dr. Adam has also been able to continually grow in his passion to better serve families as a whole, from newborns and children to mom and dads. ​ At Tiffin Family Chiropractic, Dr. Adam hopes to help families experience the full benefits of chiropractic care that focuses on balancing the nervous system while inspiring them to take charge of their health for the long-term.
Meet the Team

Owner & Chiropractor
Dr. Adam Black
As many of you know I am a native of Tiffin, OH. I grew up as an active kid and I encountered injuries along the way that impeded my health. Unfortunately, many of these injuries dealt with head injuries. It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that I experienced the power of Chiropractic. While dealing with low back pain from sports, I went to a Chiropractor for pain, and this is where my eyes were truly opened to Chiropractic and the impact it has on the nervous system! What I was truly dealing with was the effects of concussions which lead to many set backs in my early life. All throughout school I had a hard time focusing, had social anxiety, and stress.
With getting adjusted my body's over all function increased and with time, I could focus better and in return my grades got better, my social anxiety lowered and I was instead able to experience a better social life, and the amount of stress I was dealing with as a teenager decreased immensely. This is when I knew that Chiropractic was much more than pain, it was a way of life! This lead me to becoming a Chiropractor who specializes in Infant, Pediatric, Prenatal, and Family care to help kids and families who have experienced something similar! Now, here is the kicker… IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE AN INJURY! It can be anything that can overload a child’s nervous system! A good way to think of it is like blowing a fuse. We’ve all had too many things plugged into one too many outlets and we blow a fuse, and our body acts the same way!
I can't wait to meet you and your family!

Business Manager
Cassandra Black
I have had chiropractic care ever since I was little (thank you Mom) but during my pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time I have seen the non-negotiable IMMENSE benefit of Chiropractic care for my mental, emotional, and of course physical health. Not only was it super beneficial for me, but it was also important for our daughter Anna's development as well.
I've always been one to become easily overwhelmed by stress or by overloading my schedule and to-do lists so I often experience headaches, scatterbrain mode, anxiety, and emotional breakdowns at a drop of a hat. That is why I consistently need that reset that chiropractic provides to my nervous system. And THEN add all of the hormones and changes with pregnancy and postpartum...I need it more than ever.
Our home birth with Anna was 36 hours long and at one point Anna had turned into a less-than-optimal position and I was desperately seeking comfort as I navigated the intense surges. I was thankfully able to receive chiropractic care during this difficult time in my labor. Since I had been adjusted by Adam so many times before throughout pregnancy, when he adjusted me I was able to return to a place of calm and trust that my body was in fact made to birth this child. It allowed for my body, mind and heart to do what I have been created to do as a woman by aligning and resetting my nervous system.
I'm so excited to hear what YOU need from chiropractic and would love to support you along the way!

Office Cutie
Anna Rose Black
Hi everyone! My name is Anna Rose!
My name has a unique meaning behind it! I was named after two of my great grandmothers who passed away, Anna Black & Rose Acree. My parents talk about them all the time and how much of an impact they made in their lives and wanted to name me after them! Many people told me that I was a little lady to fill such big names, but what many of them didn't realize is that I weighed 10 lbs 8 oz when I was born! So in my opinion I fit the name pretty well!
My story of Chiropractic is a short one, well... mainly because I'm only a few months old! It started really when I was growing in my mommy's belly. She would go get adjusted at the office where my dad worked and I would get to go along too! I always had such fun with mommy at the office especially when mommy would get adjusted! Because when mommy was relaxed, I was relaxed.
Pretty unique fact about me is that I was born at home! And while we were resting after mommy gave birth to me, I received my first adjustment when I was only a few hours old! You may be thinking "Why would a newborn like me need to be adjusted being only just a few hours old?" That's a great question! So come one by the office because I think my mommy and daddy will be talking about that a lot and how they can help! All I can say is that Chiropractic early and often has allowed me to eat better, sleep better, and poop better! That's a sign of a healthy baby! I look forward to meeting you all very soon!

Office Cutie
Ambrose William Black
Hi everyone, I am Ambrose William, named after St Ambrose and my grandpa, Bill Black - two strong men of integrity, leadership, service, and faith.
My chiropractic journey began while I was in the womb as my nervous system was developing and intimately connected to my mommy's nervous system.
I was adjusted the day I was born by my Daddy and have continued ever since to help support my immune system as well!
I'm so thankful for chiropractic because at 4 weeks old I had a 10 day hospital stay due to a rare occurrence of a staph infection in my knee joint and bone. Due to the severity, I received antibiotics and now am relying even more so on my adjustments to help rebuild my gut-health, immune system, and calming down the stress that I endured.
I am excited to grow and reach my milestones! Stay tuned for more!

Care Advocate
Ashley Stahl
Hi! I'm Ashley!
I'm a mother of 4 kiddos with my husband, Aaron. I started on a journey to better my health and in my researching, I found myself looking into chiropractic care as a means to reclaim my life back. Little did I know, it was everything for a healthy lifestyle! Timing was in my favor, and I saw that a new neurologically-focused chiropractic office was opening soon, so I got on the schedule. To be honest, I didn't know the difference between a general chiropractor and a neurologically-focused chiropractor at the time, but I knew Adam and Cassandra from church, so I just rolled with it. (Thankfully!)
I started seeing Dr. Adam shortly after his practice opened because I felt like internally, things were just not right after having 4 babies, not getting proper sleep, digestive issues, motherhood/everyday life stress, and anxiety. I started really looking into how to heal from the inside out. I had already been changing the way my family eats with homemade meals, ridding our house of toxins, exercising by running daily, etc. But I just kept thinking that something else was missing for my health. Now that my family & I have been on care, I can tell you, getting adjustments have changed things for all of us. We are all sleeping better which has SO much of an effect on our moods and just overall ability to handle things every day, digestion is better, we haven't been sick as much (& it doesn't last long if we do get sick!), and we just overall feel so much better. I can't wait to see what it continues to do for all of us as we continue on our path to healthy! (But I'm already so thankful!)
I truly feel neurologically-focused chiropractic care is for everyone and the more I learn about it, the more I see and confirm that. I don't miss an opportunity to tell people about it! I can't wait to help others see how they can feel their best and be empowered to heal their bodies in the way God made them to.

Care Advocate
Katie Kiesel
I have been interested in natural, holistic living for a while now, but it wasn't until my two oldest children were hospitalized from asthma complications that my desire to take a deeper look into ways to help their immune systems and overall well-being for my entire family really grew. I began researching even more natural products, healthier foods, etc., but something was still missing. Tiffin Family Chiropractic!
We have began chiropractic care with Dr. Adam and already seeing amazing results! I am so blessed that Tiffin Family Chiropractic is now a part of my family and I's health journey and so thankful to be a part of the team!
Fun facts about Katie:
I have been married to Matt for 9 years and have 4 kiddos - Luke, Nora, Corbin, & Coralee
I am the co-owner and operator of Kiesel Farms that raises locally grown beef, pork, and chicken
Loves to explore new places with my kiddos
My favorite food is chicken!

Care Advocate
Sarah Sickmiller
I love chiropractic because when I began coming to this office in March 2023, I was struggling. I had long-haul covid which then in turn wrecked my nervous system. The medical route told me I needed medication, but I knew that my body could heal naturally, it would just take time. Chiropractic care is how God has designed our bodies to rest and recover and then heal. I have been through many changes these last couple of months: hormonal, anxiety, depression, headaches, brain fog, fatigue...you name it, I have experienced it. At each of my chiropractic visits, I would share with Dr. Adam and he could explain to me what part of my body was affected and how different adjustments would send me on the right track. Tiffin Family Chiropractic has been so good and so kind to my family, not just me. We are just so thankful to have individualized care specific to each of us that is making a difference in our lives! And now I want to be an encouragement to others! I want to give and share and hope with them when they feel like there is none left and I am so grateful for the opportunity to do this with Tiffin Family Chiropractic!
Fun Facts about Sarah:
I love Jesus & sharing with others.
I teach God's Word at Bible Study Fellowship in Findlay.
I love gardening, canning, cooking & baking, especially sourdough.
We enjoy all things outdoors: campfires, farm life, raising chickens & animals, sports.
I have been married to Jeremy for 12 years & we have one son, Levi.

Care Advocate
Marcus Kerr
I began my journey & saw the importance of chiropractic when I experienced my own healing after dealing with symptoms of covid long-haul in October 2022. I struggled mightily with simple everyday tasks such as driving a car, walking to the mailbox to get the mail, looking at a phone screen, etc. I was diagnosed by medical experts and professionals with POTS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression. Chiropractic care changed that narrative for me and sent me on a different path where I am 100% fully healed from my struggles.
Fun Facts about Marcus:
Follower of Jesus and the Bible
Has a two year old son, Madix
Loves talking sports
Into biohacking techniques
Into stand-up comedy

Care Advocate
Kaylee Wheat
Chiropractic care means a lot to me personally, it helped rid me of anxiety, major migraines and hip pain. I have also seen how it has helped in various people in my life. I am really excited to be able to help people heal!
Fun Facts about Kaylee:
I love Jesus
I have been an English Language Arts teacher for 2 years
I'm going on a mission 2024 summer for 7 weeks in Hawaii
I make my own Kombucha
I really enjoy playing board games-especially when I win!

Care Advocate
Elyssa Hays
My chiropractic care journey started when I was pregnant with our first son and I knew I wanted to do a home birth. Since that meant not relying on any medical interventions, I knew I needed to get my body and the baby's body in optimal shape and position to help the home birth go as smoothly as possible. Little did I know, I was going to need chiropractic care during labor as well to help my son make his way into this world! Our journey didn't stop there, Thomas was extremely colicky, struggled to latch on one side, and struggled to fall asleep. After a couple of months of care, Thomas was a totally different baby. So happy, smiley and comfortable which was a big transition from looking ourselves in our house at night because Thomas was so uncomfortable and cranky. Chiropractic care has greatly improved our lives and I'm so excited to continue to watch it impact so many others!
Fun Facts about Elyssa:
Strives to love God above all else
Loves being a wife and mother to Thomas
Loves being outside, when it's not too cold!
Serving others is a huge passion of hers
Loves having intentional conversations and is a total extrovert.